With the wide variety of Angel card decks available, trying to find the right deck for you may feel overwhelming. Angel card decks can have as many or as little cards as the creator likes, but typically they have at least 36 cards in the deck. Not only does the size of the decks vary between creators, but their imagery, illustrations, symbols, words, and messages do as well. In this guide, you’ll be introduced to a couple of the most popular Angel card decks. You will also be given a little bit of guidance on how to choose the Angel card deck that is right for you.
How to Choose an Angel Card Deck
As has already been stated, choosing the right Angel cards can seem daunting and intimidating. The most important thing to remember when choosing your deck is to relax and not overthink it too much. Have faith and remember that your guardian Angels are always looking out for you. Your Angels will make sure that you choose the deck that is right for you.
A good place to start when looking for the right deck is if possible, take a look at the images on the deck. Try to pick cards that have symbols and images that resonate or speak to you. Go for a deck that instinctively draws you in.
Many Angel cards have affirmations or guiding words on them, while others do not. You’ll have to decide for yourself whether or not you’d prefer a deck with messages on the cards. Keep in mind that having the messages written out on the cards may help you to interpret them easier.
If you have the opportunity, try to purchase your cards in a metaphysical store so that you can physically feel the deck. In this way, you’ll be able to read a deck’s energy better.
Popular Angel Card Decks
Now that you have a better sense of what to look for when you’re shopping around for Angel cards here are some decks that you may be interested in. Although there are many different creators of Angel card decks, some of the most widely used decks come from Doreen Virtue. Her cards are widely available and are good starter decks.
Daily Guidance from Your Angels by Doreen Virtue
This deck of Angel cards from Doreen Virtue contains 44 beautifully illustrated cards and a guidebook. This deck can be used daily and is filled with 365-channeled meditations. Each card contains an uplifting and positive message. This deck is suitable for use in Angel card readings and the messages can provide answers and guidance.
Archangel Michael Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue
Archangel Michael is one the best known and most beloved Angel. This 44 card deck comes with a guidebook and contains powerful messages from Archangel Michael. Each card also has a striking illustration of the Archangel Michael. With this deck you’ll receive guidance straight from Archangel Michael.
Angel Prayers Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray
Created by Angel communicator and medium Kyle Gray, this deck of Angel cards taps into the support and wisdom of our Guardian Angels. With this deck, you’ll be able to harness the power of your Guardian Angel to help you through the challenging times in your life.
Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue
This is and easy to use deck that is great for beginners. The Angel Therapy cards provide healing and guidance through your Guardian Angels and the Archangels Michael and Raphael. This deck contains 44 cards and a guidebook. Each card features an image of an angel along with a message.
Angel Love Cards by Kimberly Marooney
This 40-card deck contains cards with dreamy images of Angels. There are no messages on the card, but each card does have one word on it such as Awareness, Appreciation, Love, and Transcendence. This deck is not designed for readings, but can be used for meditation, guidance, and contemplation. The cards come with a 160-page companion book providing a further explanation for each card.
Angel Oracle by Ambika Wauters
The Angel Oracle deck contains 36 cards divided into the three hierarchies of heaven: form, creation, and paradise. Each card contains an illustration of Angels or other spiritual imagery. They also have a short message and each card has a name such as The Angel of Knowing, The Guardian Angel of Maturity, and The Archangel Gabriel. This deck also has different suits: Archangels, Guardian Angels, Angel Princes, Powers, Virtues, Dominions, Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones.
Angel Voices Oracle by Antonella Castelli & Laura Tuan
This 80-card deck combines traditional Christian Angels and Archangels with elements of astrology. Each card contains and image of an Angel and their name. The backgrounds of the images and the color of the Angels’ clothing signify different kinds of astrological elements. This deck follows the structure described in Gnostic and medieval Christian texts, where there are 72 guardian angels divided into nine ‘choirs’ of eight angels each.
Angels of Atlantis Oracle by Richard Crookes & Stewart Pearce
The Angels of Atlantis deck contains 44 cards and a 176-page companion book. Each card has cosmic imagery and is based on the teachings of the 12 Archangels of Atlantis. There are no messages on these cards, but they do have the name of the Angel being depicted. This deck provides healing through “a deep connection to the ancient realm of Atlantis”.
Ask Angels Oracle Cards by Melanie Beckler
This is an Angel deck for modern times as it is digital card deck. It is a 44-card deck containing uplifting messages created by Angel channel Melanie Beckler. Beckler created this deck as an easy way to receive Angel messages and guidance. The deck is only available online through the Ask Angels website or as an app.
Angel Dreams Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue & Melissa Virtue
The Angel Dreams deck contains 55 beautifully illustrated cards and comes with a guidebook. The cards in this deck reveal the meaning of 55 basic dream symbols and the guidebook provides an explanation on how to conduct “dream readings”.
As you can see, Angel Card decks come in a wide variety with different themes and focuses. Any one of these decks can be powerful tools for providing guidance, positivity, and healing. Ultimately, the choice of what deck to use if very personal and you have to decide which one feels right for you.