“How Do I Connect With My Spirit Guides?”

How Do I Connect With My Spirit Guides?

We all have spirit guides who are ready to assist us in some way at any given moment. All we need to do is reach out, connect with them, and ask for their help. You may often have wondered about discovering your own guides, as well as being more open to the knowledge that they possess. After all, it's natural to wonder about these incredible beings!

You may not have realized it but some of your guides have been there for you throughout your whole existence, even before you set foot on this earth in your current incarnation! They are essential to who you are. Others joined your circle at various points in your life when it was determined that you required their assistance. There will also still be more guides who are to come in the future.

Today we are using the Indigo Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue to see what insight they bring, and we see that their message backs up the concept of connecting with your spirit guides. To begin with, you simply need to ask for their help then wait and something will happen that’s out of the ordinary.

Should I Learn How to Meditate?

Learning how to meditate or just to even quiet down your mind is an art in itself. There are no rights or wrongs as a rule. However, it’s a good idea for you to ask for a sign from the angels to let you know when the time is right.

Ask for a Sign

Learning to meditate in whatever way you feel is right and resonant with you is recommended to meet and to connect with your spirit guides. Perhaps you won’t meet them immediately, but it will happen over time now that they know that you wish to communicate with them.

Meditation is a wonderful method of processing the events of the day as well as your thoughts and feelings in general. All these things will help you to relax and to open yourself enough to connect with your guides.

Will My Guides Appear To Me Or Something Else?

Your guides know you better than anyone else. They probably even know you better than yourself, believe it or not! So, they’ll know what communication method will work best for you.

Divine Timing

For example, if you’re terrified of seeing them, they won’t suddenly appear to you! They understand and wish to convey to you that everything is a matter of divine timing so you don’t need to worry about things moving too rapidly or dragging along in terms of connecting with them because all will happen when it should.

Practically speaking, why not join a yoga class or one that specifically teaches meditation in order to get yourself in the zone? Or, if you’d rather, just turn off your TV, phone, and anything else that takes your attention away from focusing inwardly and write a letter to your guides ensuring that you remain receptive to their answers in whatever way they come to you.

Just feel yourself relaxing and going with the flow with the understanding that everything will happen in accordance with divine timing.


It’s difficult but it’s crucial to be patient in order to connect with your spirit guides. Remove yourself from your concerns and the conversation that's going on in your head. It is essential that you begin this process of calming your mind in a peaceful setting.

Be aware though that this can be difficult to achieve in the beginning because it requires you to put an end to not just your mental to-do checklists and problems, but also the thoughts and flashes of creativity that may occur to you during times of stillness.

Get out there and find information about meeting with your guides. Join groups, look for books and speak to like-minded people about their experiences. When you live your intentions, they become so much easier to connect with. Just take your time, enjoy life, and invite any of your guides who wish to come forwards to come forwards. They’ll do so at the perfect time!

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