“How Can I Quit My Bad Habits?”

Everyone has some not-so-great habits that they’d probably like to break. However, if your bad habits are really getting to you or negatively impacting your life, then it’s probably the right time to ask the angels for their help.
Perhaps you enjoy smoking, but you know that it’s bad for you. Maybe you have a lifelong habit of biting your nails. Or, your bad habit might be so awful, you don’t even want to face up to it!
Thankfully, whatever your bad habit is, by praying to the angels for their guidance, you can break it starting today! Let's explore this further using messages from the Angels of Abundance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine.
They're Just A Call Away
The actual power of prayer is something mysterious that we as humans sometimes have a hard time believing in. What you need to remember is that the angels understand that although you may have your doubts at times, they always believe in you.
Even on your worst days, they have faith that you can break old habits and patterns that no longer serve your highest good. And it’s great to know that they have that sense of belief in you because they’re letting you know that you are NEVER alone.

Did you know that there are actually no such things as unanswered prayers? The angels hear every communication you send to them. However, what you might not already know is that they will bring you the solution that you need in order to achieve what they believe is best for you.
You see, the human view is pretty limited in comparison with that of the angels. They have no limits at all, so they will provide the best possible outcome for you even though it may not happen as you are expecting it to.
All You Gotta Do Is Ask
Bear in mind that you need to actively ASK the angels to help you to break your bad habits. They cannot do anything at all to help you until you call on them. You can do this in any way that you like – by writing a letter to them, speaking out loud to them, thinking your words in your mind or anything else that you feel comfortable with.

So, make the free will choice to ask for help then make sure that you are completely ready to receive it as you put your plans into action.
And don’t worry, you don’t need to ask for things to happen in any specific way. In fact, it’s better that you just let the angels get on with things because they’ll know exactly what to do. Having said that, it’s crucial that you play your part by doing what they guide you to do. You CAN break those bad habits with willpower that’s enhanced by angelic energy. But, what else can you do to break the cycle?

So, we know that bad habits are just that – bad! Perhaps this is why the angels wish you to look after your body better. When you’re feeling positive, healthy, hydrated, and well-nourished, you are more likely to avoid doing negative things. Healthy people are focused. They have clarity of thought, so it becomes a lot easier to do positive things rather than being drawn back into old ways.
You can also take practical steps to quit your habit in the knowledge that the angelic realm is supporting you. A great way to begin is by figuring out what your triggers are then avoiding them as much as possible. If you feel comfortable, share your desire to break your habit with supportive people who are close to you and who will help keep you on course!
Something else which you might not want to consider but that must be mentioned is that you need to be prepared to slip up. Of course, you don’t want this to happen, but the potential is always there.
So, think about what you will do if you fall back into your habit a few times before giving it up entirely. Really think about it. Prepare for it so that you can deal with it when it happens then move forward without beating yourself up.
So, now that you know what to do, with the support of the angels, kick that habit!