“Why Am I Still Single?”

You know the story only too well; you've just come home from a date. They laughed in response to your humorous remarks. You made sure to ask all of the usual pertinent questions. You even paid close attention as they opened up about themselves. It was a pretty pleasant evening overall.
But after that, came nothing. Where did things go wrong? Maybe you just went on a date with the wrong person.
“Why am I still single?” is a question that many people have on their minds nowadays. In a world with almost 8 billion people, why is it that you just cannot seem to find the right person?
So, let's try to get some answers from the angels using the Angels of Abundance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine.
Trust The Wait
If you’re telling yourself that the “one” is out there for you, you’d be right. They’re going to come along at some point, so don’t despair. Everything happens when the timing is right, and your time is worth the wait and is still to come!
The angels want you to know that everything that happens in your life is as a result of divine timing. There is the right moment for everything to happen in your life and the timing for true, lasting, and spiritual love is not yet right for you.
It could also be that the person you are to fall in love with still has some work to do on themselves, so you both need to wait it out for a while.
The angels also advise against becoming so in need of someone to love you that you go looking for them in the wrong places. Having no romance is better than being stuck in a relationship with the wrong person.

You want to attract the right individual into your world, which will never happen if you chase your love dreams too hard. You need to wait it out until you meet someone who deserves you as much as you deserve them.
To help things along, it’s a good idea to ask the angelic realm to guide you towards true love at their own pace. If you try to rush a relationship, it’s likely that you’ll make the wrong choice which you definitely don’t want to happen!
Preparing Your Heart
Perhaps you can start off on your new quest to let love into your life by letting go of connections and friendships that are no longer working for you. In fact, this message also applies to any aspect of your life that is holding you back. If you have fallen into a rut, then now is the time to shake things up.
You can achieve this by asking the angels to guide you to new places and new people. If love hasn’t been great for you up until now, then this injection of brand-new energy will be just what you needed!

“Out with the old and in with the new!” should be a motto to identify with over the days, weeks and months ahead of you. Enjoy yourself. Embrace the single life. Get out there and meet people. Perhaps you can join a class or volunteer your time to a good cause. Anything that changes things up is what you want to try right now!
Even if you feel a little lonely at times, especially during family events when everyone else seems to have a significant other, just know in your heart that your time for true happiness is coming. Look forward to the fact that you will never need to endure any more heartbreak in love because you are on course to meeting someone who will be everything you have always hoped for!

The concept of paying yourself first doesn’t always need to relate to finances, although it’s great to have some money in your pocket.
What the angels mean by sending you this message is that you need to value yourself and to put yourself first always. Learn to love yourself if you don’t already. Treat yourself when you have a little extra money. Perhaps try to incorporate this into your life on a monthly basis so you are always walking with a little added spring in your step!
You see, when you’re comfortable with yourself, other people will be drawn to you. So, take the time today to begin to work on you. Sit down right now and make a list of your achievements and strengths. It’s not selfish to do this, so be completely honest as you write, and you’ll see how much of a catch you are. Do what it takes to make yourself happy so that you attract someone who is worth your time and vice versa!