“Why Does Money Always Seem to Be a Problem for Me?”

Anyone who has ever said that money doesn’t make them happy must be a millionaire! When you have problems with money, these negatively affect virtually every aspect of your life. All too often we hear about good people who can’t even sleep at night because they’re not sure where their next dollar is coming from.
If you’re in this position and you’re enduring sleepless nights as well as days spent endlessly trying to balance the books, then you’re not alone. The angels understand your predicament and they’re waiting for you to call on them to ask for their assistance.
In this reading, I'm using the Angels of Abundance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine to seek answers from the angels. So, let’s get started on setting things straight by asking the angels why money is always such a problem for you.
Your Answer from the Angels
The angels sense that you have been filled with worry about money for a long time. Problem upon problem has been piling up on you to the point that you’re finding it difficult to maintain an even keel in your life. Rather than tackling your issues head-on, perhaps at times you have been trying to avoid them.

Their message today is all about taking control of the situation. Rather than thinking of abundance as being something that other people have, you need to shift your viewpoint. Why shouldn’t you have luck with money? You are just as entitled as everyone else, are you not? Perhaps you are understandably pessimistic thinking that financial abundance happens to other people.
Newsflash – you deserve abundance too!!
Your angels are watching over you as you read this, just waiting for you to call on them. Once you do so, they will do everything in their power to set you on the right road, but you need to help this along too by having an “abundance mindset.”
Simply put, an abundance mindset meaning thinking, speaking, and acting positively while focusing on what you want to come into your life (money or anything else for that matter!) Choose your words and thoughts carefully so that you affirm what it is that you want rather than what you don’t want. It really is as simple as that!
Have you ever noticed that those “lucky” people in your life that attract amazing things to them have an incredibly positive outlook? They genuinely believe that they should have good things and that is the reason why great things happen to them. They put out the thoughts, feelings, and words that then manifest into positive events, believe it or not.
What Can You Do Next?
Okay, so you understand the concept of attracting abundance. However, how do you put this into action? Firstly, you need to pray. Speak to the angels about your problems. Ask them for their guidance as you invite them into your life to help you. Even though you have money worries, think, speak and act as though you have money coming to you. Play the part of someone who is good with money until you make this concept your reality.

Practically speaking, you can also ask for help from a financial advisor or from friends and family who can help you to budget. Perhaps you would like a better job, so you have more money in the bank. Set the intention in your mind that you are going to have that great job. Feel that you are the ideal candidate. Work on your resume, then send it out everywhere.
Alternatively, if you’re currently in a job you enjoy but don’t get paid enough for, ask for that raise. You deserve it!

The angels are also guiding you to clear off any debts you owe. Now, don’t panic, they don’t suggest that you pay these all at once, however they are inviting you to put some time aside to sit down, calculate what you owe and to whom and then to work out repayment plans. When you manage to do this, you will feel so much freer and happier than you have in such a long time because there will be light at the end of the tunnel so to speak.
The buzz word you need to keep at the forefront of your mind is “progress.” By planning to pay things off little by little, you are taking the first exciting steps to financial freedom! See? You can do anything you put your mind to with a little help from the angels!