“How Can I Invest in My Health?”

How Can I Invest in My Health?

When you invest your time, cash, and effort in something, you increase the return on those resources. So, it stands to reason that the best possible investment that you can ever undertake is in your own wellbeing.

More than anything else, having good health will give you the capacity to take on the challenges that life, your desires, and your goals will throw at you. Your wellbeing should be your first priority, and you should focus on giving it the time and attention it deserves.

Putting time into working on your health is a preventative measure, rather than a curative one. Therefore, taking care of yourself in the present means that you can reap the benefits later in life, and today we are using the Indigo Angels Oracle Cards to answer your questions.

What’s Been Stopping Me From Being as Healthy as Possible?

It’s true that you have been so busy recently. In fact, it’s probably not even a new development that you’re doing so much that you have been unable to take some time to yourself to reach your health goals. You seem to have been going and going without being able to take a rest or time out for yourself.

You Already Know

If you actually think about it, you have been in this pattern for quite some time now and even when you have made the decision to get healthier, it has tended to fall by the wayside.

What you need to do, is to put yourself first, but you already know that. You owe it to yourself to make the most of every opportunity you have to create the healthy, positive future that you truly deserve. So, look within yourself in order to find the strength and the focus to create the positive amazing healthy future you deserve.

How Can I Find the Time to Invest in My Health?

You’ve heard that old saying that “Two heads are better than one.” So, if you’re looking at getting healthier then why not team up with a friend or two. That way you will be able to support each other, share tips and ideas and even go to the gym or out walking, swimming or anything else with each other!


The power of friendship can and should never be underestimated. When you have good people around you, you can achieve everything and anything you wish to. You will always have someone to talk to and to buoy your energy when you feel down or lacking in get-up-and-go.

In addition, your new health journey may also involve making new friends as you try out new sports and ways of eating healthy and keeping fit. You could even sign up to a healthy cooking class to meet some new people while gaining new skills!


Now is the time to focus on your dreams. Perhaps you wish to lose a bit of weight or to be able to run a marathon. Set yourself a goal then work on achieving it. Focusing on your dreams is never a silly thing to do no matter how unattainable you feel that these are.

You deserve to have an amazing life where you can reach for the stars and have everything that you wish for (within reason!) Just remember to stay realistic in terms of what you are working towards.

If you’ve never walked much in your life, you’re never going to be able to run 100 miles within the week. So, set out some little attainable goals that you reward yourself for along the way as you achieve them.

It’s good for you to value your health. You’ll find out just how good it is as you travel along your new health journey!

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