“Should I Get Back Together With My Ex?”

If you’re currently in a pickle because you’re wondering if you should get back together with your ex, have a VERY good think about the reasons why you both broke up in the first place.
Your ex became an ex for a reason. And, often, we tend to look at our former relationships with rose tinted spectacles, especially when the object of our previous affections shows up again in our lives wanting to make another go of things.
As a rule, getting back together with an ex never goes very well because all those old problems end up resurfacing, making you wonder why you even bothered trying again in the first place!
To gain some divine insight on this question, we are using the Messages from Your Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.
Has Infidelity Been Involved?
Taking an overall look at your question, one aspect that is of the greatest significance is that if one of you cheated on the other, it’s not going to work out if you try again. When the trust is broken in a relationship it can rarely be recovered, unfortunately. So if this is the case, you need to think HARD about what you’re doing.

You need to look after yourself and your heart, because you are the only one on Earth who can truly do this. You should be your own greatest fan, only ever putting your happiness and wellbeing first and foremost.
Yes, you might miss your ex terribly, but that is still not a good reason to get back together and wind up being more miserable than you have been in years after the initial honeymoon period is over.
Why Your Ex Should Probably Remain Your Ex
You are a lovely, genuine, and positive person with so much to share with the right person. You have a real affinity with the animal kingdom because you are loving and trustworthy.

Bearing this in mind, don’t allow unscrupulous people to take advantage of you. Your ex knows your weakest points as well as your strong ones. They know who you are and how much you enjoyed being with them in the past. While they might not set out to hurt you, this could happen very easily if there is a negative vibe or history there.
So, just be incredibly careful if you feel tempted by a person from the past. Take some time to think. What would you say to your best friend if they were in your position? Be honest with yourself when you answer this question so you can figure out exactly what you should now be doing.

As a beautiful lightworker here on Earth, you have a tendency to give people the benefit of the doubt all too often. Because you don’t have a bad bone in your body, you sometimes cannot quite grasp that other people are entirely different.
So, while you should never feel the need to hide your light away, bear in mind that you need to listen to your angels when they explain that being with your ex is bad for you. You have a far higher purpose than you might know, so you need to be with people who resonate with your lovely energy.
So, rather than going back to your former life which you seem to have outgrown, focus yourself on the future. You were made for better things, so you need to go out and grasp these with both hands.
Don’t feel tempted to go back to the past just because you’ve been feeling a little lonely. You are on your own for a reason – so you can grow, change, and understand your purpose in life.