“Will I Find Love Soon?”

“Will I find love soon?” It’s the age-old question that has been asked since the dawn of mankind. Even our cavemen ancestors were no doubt wondering how long they needed to remain alone in the world. It’s true that life is always better when it’s shared with someone special, however it’s finding that amazing person that’s often the difficulty.
Nowadays, with all the dating apps on the go, it’s like choosing a new partner from a menu rather than finding love and companionship! Often this kind of modern romance doesn’t rest easily with many people. It seems to cut out all the excitement and flirtation from meeting someone new in the “traditional” way.
Even so, the question is high on your agenda, “Will I find love soon?” Let's ask the angels using the Messages from Your Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.
Why Can’t I Find Love?
It can be pretty difficult to find love in this world. Especially nowadays when everyone leads such busy lives with very few hours to spare to go out and enjoy themselves.
However, it’s true that you are a wonderfully spiritual person who has the loveliest personality as well as the gift of insight. Therefore, know in your heart that you will find love as this message suggests.

Perhaps the best way to find true love is not to look for it. Maybe you need to put this need to one side while you focus on enjoying your life and being the wonderful person you are. The right individual is sure to take notice of you when the time is right!
How Can I Attract the Right Person into My Life?
Ignore the search for Mr. or Mrs. Right for the moment. Focus your energy inward to better understand and love yourself, to mend old wounds, and to discover and cultivate your unique potential.
It's possible that in the past you required the company of another human being or the affirmation of another person's affection in order to experience happiness. The anguish of splitting up with former partners was magnified by the fact that it seemed like a piece of you was being taken away.

You need to find your inner wholeness, then everything in your life will shift. You will find that the right situation with the right person for you just falls at your feet. Everything will feel so good when this occurs. So, that’s something to genuinely look forward to because you WILL experience the real and true love that you have always deserved.
If you're drawn to certain characteristics in another person, you should work to cultivate such ones in yourself too in order to be the best person you can be. You see, for the most part, people only reveal a fraction of their true selves.

Often our sense of who we are is restricted to the individual we become as a result of our upbringing. This is a necessary step in maturation since it's only via establishing a sense of identity, that we can make it through, and even flourish in, our everyday personal and familial contexts.
Your life will become even more positive and worthwhile when you begin to be the real you who is free from the constraints of other people's expectations and norms. Basically, if you want to be happy, you can't focus on making other people happy to your own detriment.
When you follow your own route, you'll find yourself in environments and with others that are a good fit for your personality and your goals. And, since the one for you will also share some aspect of your journey through life, the odds of you two crossing paths will increase dramatically.
So just enjoy life. Live in the moment and you will find that you meet the perfect person for you right when you’re supposed to!