“Should I Confess My Love?”

Often, so many people rush into declaring their love for another person in order to pique their attention. However, you probably should not broadcast your every thought and feeling unless the time is right.
For example, it's probably not the best idea to tell someone you want to marry them after your very first date! The only thing the object of your affections will feel is panic and pressure rather than romance! Real life isn't a Disney movie, unfortunately.
So, if you’re currently wondering if you should confess your love to that special someone right now, stop and have a good think before you potentially destroy your connection altogether.
Surely Telling Them How I Feel Isn’t a Bad Thing?
You would be forgiven for thinking that loving someone is a feeling that should be shouted from the rooftops. However, the messages coming through from the Messages from Your Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue state that now is not the right time for wild displays of affection.

The angels are asking you to just relax for the moment to see how things go. You don’t need to open up right at this moment. Now is just not the perfect opportunity to confess your innermost feelings.
So, take some time to yourself to just be. Everything needs to happen when the timing is right. If you have to ask yourself whether it’s a good idea to open up, then know that it isn’t. You will be completely certain about telling someone how you feel if it is meant to be. With this in mind, the angels are asking that you just wait for that moment to arrive.
Will My Crush Get Scared Off If I Tell Them How I Feel?
You see, when you blurt out your feelings to your crush, they could just run off and not come back if you do so at the wrong time or too early in your connection. You don’t want to risk that, so the best thing to do is just to wait it out.

Ask your angels for their guidance then wait for it to come to you. Don’t ask for any specific signs, let them do what they feel is right. Have faith that they will always do what is best for you.
On a practical level, just enjoy your life, have fun seeing the person you like and just be your usual lovely self to them. It’s not a good idea to put someone on the spot or in a difficult situation, so think about how you would feel if someone just confessed that they loved you out of the blue.

Many singles nowadays get hung up on relationship protocol instead of following their instincts and having fun. You see, when you go into an encounter with predetermined goals in mind, you're more likely to create artificial bonds. As a result, the connection can often be forced to fit preconceived notions of how it should go instead of letting it unfold naturally.
Just be aware of the other person’s point of view for the moment. You don’t know what they’re currently going through so rather than telling them you love them, why not be kind and caring towards them? Show them what a lovely person you are. Let them see via your actions that you have feelings for them instead of cornering them when they just might not be ready.
Over time, you will be able to clearly see if your feelings are returned. If so, that is amazing! If not, then maybe it’s just not to be. Just remember that there is a hugely exciting world out there with someone who is completely right and perfect for you and vice versa!