“How Can I Build an Emergency Fund?”

It is essential to have some money set aside for unexpected expenses. Imagine it as a buffer against the inevitable blows of life that might otherwise send you farther into the red.
Anything can happen in life, so when you have an emergency fund to dip into just in case, it provides you with that real feeling of security which we all want from life! Think about it, how many times has something out-of-the-ordinary happened in your life that’s made you think to yourself, “If only I had a few hundred dollars put aside?”
Taking this into account, make today the day that you plan out how to save for your emergency fund! So for this reading, we are using the Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue to bring added insight.
Surely I’ll Never Manage to Save Enough?
What is clear immediately is that to begin seriously working on your idea, you need to begin afresh. Yes, perhaps you have tried to save in the past without enormous success. However, you need to bear in mind that the past is over. You have so many positives yet to come.

The angels are with you to signify that new beginnings are perfectly possible, so ask for their help to move things along!
Often there need to be endings for new beginnings to come about but these are necessary right now. You are to begin your new quest with a clean slate as well as with hope and positivity in your heart.
Why shouldn’t you reach your financial goal? You need to be of the mindset that you deserve this, and guess what? YOU will make it happen with your powerful energy and focus!
What Practical Steps Can I Take to Set Up and MAINTAIN my Emergency Fund?
What is clear is that to get started on your emergency fund, you need to firstly look within yourself. Take some time to figure out why you perhaps haven’t managed to save a great deal in the past but don’t beat yourself up about it.

Just retreat within your mind, pinpoint the reasons why things didn’t work out and then move on. Make your peace with the past because without doing that, there is no way you can move on to creating the successful future you deserve.
It might be good for you to list the reasons that previously stood in your way in terms of saving money. Get these all out onto paper then make plans to do the opposite of these.
Say you kept on spending your extra dollars on new clothes every month. Why not make do with what you have for a while and save what you would have spent in your fund? Slight changes can soon add up to substantial savings!

You also need to work on forgiving yourself. So, today, make the decision to move on from whatever you need to, no matter how hard this may be. If you have had quite a frivolous relationship with money in the past, make the decision to be mindful of this as you make little cutbacks.
Release the guilt that you are carrying so that you can be free of negative emotions that may impede your savings goals. You see, if you can’t forgive yourself for not saving money before, you’ll have a real problem adding to your emergency fund in the future.
With your positive open mindset, you can achieve so much, especially when you set out some little positive milestones as well as little treats along the way. The key to success is not denying yourself everything. Managed to save $50? Why not enjoy going to see that new movie to congratulate yourself?
By forgiving yourself, you’ll find that you enjoy the good things in life so much more. And, with your emergency fund being added to every week or month, depending on when you have money coming in, you’ll always have something to fall back on!