“Why Do I Feel Guilty When I Try to Enjoy My Money?”

Life can be pretty difficult at times, so it’s always nice to treat yourself when you can afford to. Buying a new outfit, or making a bigger purchase like a computer or even a new car is great when you can afford it.
But, why then, do you always feel so guilty when you try to enjoy your money? Well, perhaps one of the biggest reasons we feel guilty about spending is because we always feel that it could be used for something more important.
Even though the angels don’t use money, of course, they understand our human relationship with it. So, if you're feeling uneasy with your spending, let's discuss using the Messages from Your Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.
Money is Intertwined With Your Emotions
Although you don’t need to be rich to enjoy a great life, it’s always handy to have enough money to enjoy life. However, if you’re someone who has come from humble beginnings, you may well feel guilty about spending. Money gives you opportunities that other less fortunate people might not have so it is no wonder that it is such an emotional topic.

You may also be worried on a subconscious level about having enough which may also stem from your past experiences. Let’s face it – there must have been times in all our lives when we have lacked the finances to achieve everything that we want to at that moment. Consequently, these feelings of lack have stayed with us, ready to surface at any given moment.
Additionally, we may have been conditioned from a young age by our parents to save and not to spend. Bear in mind that your upbringing a huge influence on the person you are. If you’ve been taught to think a certain way about your finances for a long time, it can be difficult to break out of that cycle. However, it’s about time you gave yourself a treat. Go on – you deserve it!
Remember, if you’re feeling fearful about your money leaving your bank account, ask your angels to support you to get over these feelings. Acknowledge them. Make peace with them. Then, move forward. You owe it to yourself to be able to enjoy spending your own money in whatever way you wish to.
Free Yourself from Financial Guilt
So, what can you do today to change your relationship with money so that you no longer feel guilty when you spend it? First, you can call upon your angels to heal any issues you have had with spending. You need to really believe in them and their power in order for this to work.

So long as you're not maxing out your credit cards or ignoring putting cash into your savings account, treating yourself with your excess cash is perfectly OK. Think about it, if you don't take opportunity to celebrate your successes, there's little purpose in working hard in the first place.
So, although financial security is vital, just keep in mind that you can't take your savings with you when you pass on. Maintaining your motivation in life is essential, and a great way to do so is to give yourself frequent, small rewards.
Once you have asked for angelic help, you need to also work on yourself. Relax somewhere peaceful as you feel calm and positivity washing over you. See yourself as someone who has the confidence to spend from time to time without worrying.
As you sit there, consider how far you have come in life. Know that you can afford what you wish to spend your money on. Know that you deserve to have nice things. Then, at least once a week, treat yourself to something. It doesn’t need to be anything big, but it should be an item or a service that enhances your life. Then, simply enjoy it because you DESERVE to be able to enjoy your money on your own terms!