“Will I Be in Debt Forever?”

If you’re in debt, the first thing to remember is that you are not alone. Virtually everyone has been there at some point. And it’s perfectly possible to get out of debt too. Yes, even though you may feel as though you are drowning with no way out, there is ALWAYS a way.
You don’t have to go through these troubles alone either because the angelic realm is there for you. All you need to do to connect with them and to tap into their incredible abundance is to ask them. It’s as simple as that.
Of course, there are also some practical steps you can take too in order to shift that debt in order to make it a thing of the past forever. Using the Angels of Abundance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine, let's connect with the angels to see what insights they can provide.
Shift Your Mindset from “I Can’t” to “I CAN!”
When you’re engulfed by debts, you can feel as though you have been disempowered. You may not feel in total control of your own life, especially when you have people chasing you for money that you just don’t have. “How did it come to this?” you might be asking yourself.

Unfortunately, there could be many reasons why you’re in debt. You could probably spend all day listing them. So, instead of getting bogged down in the details that just will not help you in any way, make the vow to yourself to turn things around. Starting today, not tomorrow. Tomorrow is too far away.
With the help of the angels, you’ll feel so much better when you get moving on creating the debt-free life that you deserve. Rather than constantly telling yourself that you CAN’T move forward from debt, ask the angels to help you to set out a clear path ahead of you.
Their message for you today is that it is safe for you to exercise your own personal power. You can harness this with the help of your angels. All you need to do is ask them.
How Do I Make My Intentions to Get Out of Debt A Reality?
There are many ways to get out of debt. Simply making that initial choice is a step that takes a great deal of strength and courage. Once you have managed that, you will feel so much better because you will know in your heart that better times are coming.

The angels will give you little glimpses of this along the way too so that you will be able to feel more than a glimmer of hope in terms of the future.
On a practical level, you need to get all your paperwork together to figure out how much you owe. Yes, this can be difficult to face up to, but the angels will support you all the way. Once you’ve tackled that, try to pay more than the minimum payments each month, even if it’s only a little more. Also, always pay your bills ASAP after they arrive so that you don’t forget.
It is also crucial to your present and future financial comfort to understand the cost of the money you’re borrowing. For example, if you extend the term of a loan, yes, your monthly payment will probably wind up being lower. However, you’ll possibly pay more interest over the entire life of the loan. Of course, it is your choice entirely whether or not you do this. Only you and the angels know exactly what your specific situation is.
If you get started on taking back control of your financial life today, then you can prepare for a far better less stressful tomorrow!