“How Can I Stop Overspending?”

Do you love buying new things? Does shopping give you a “rush”? Are you consistently borrowing every month just to live after you’ve spend all your cash?
If you feel that you have a problem with overspending, then the angels can help you with that.
You would be forgiven for thinking that the angelic realm is fixated on spirituality. Of course, they’re spiritual beings with an incredibly high vibration but they realize that you are a spiritual being in an earthly body living an earthly life. So, what this means for you is that you can ask for their aid with everything and anything that causes you worry. They will do anything in their power to influence your life in the best ways possible!
So to get some answers, we’ll be using the Indigo Angel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue and Charles Virtue to bring insight about your spending habits.
Believing That You Can Stop Overspending is the First Step to Making It Happen!
It's easy to blow through your budget in no time in spite of your best efforts. It happens to all of us sometimes. However, if you’re often finding that your bank account is in the red or even completely empty, it’s crucial that you ask your angels for help.

You see, there are several causes behind excessive spending. Perhaps we aren't honest with ourselves about how much money we actually spend. It could be that we have been overly optimistic about our potential earnings and have underestimated our potential outlays. Often, however, overspending is a symptom of something far deeper that’s going on in your life.
With this in mind, it’s important for you now to look at your situation with lovingly honest eyes. Is there something wrong or perhaps something that you lack? Maybe you have lost someone close so you’re now trying to enhance your life with “things” that fill that void.
What you need to do next is to have faith that the angels are coming to your aid because you have asked them to. Know that your hoped-for outcome is attainable. Believe in their power as well as that which lives and grows each day inside you.
“I CAN and WILL Achieve Complete Control Over My Spending!”
With angelic love and help on your side, you can do anything. Interestingly, they are saying that there an ending coming up for you which has been needed for a long time. You are taking control of your future. You are stronger than ever. Doesn’t that feel amazing?

On a practical level, you are being guided to take some action to curb your spending so that you can save some money to enjoy your life more! The angels urge you to reflect and understand your spending triggers in the first instance. When you identify the psychological and emotional reasons you’re laying out so much money, it will be so much easier to tackle them.
We touched earlier on filling a void by spending but there can also be environmental triggers or even certain times of the month such as payday or weekends that set you off spending. So, once you figure these out, you can take your power back!
Next, you need to track your spending as well as your expenses. That magazine you buy every week or those lunches out that you go for every workday can really significantly add up. And if you put aside the money you would have spent, it’ll add up quickly over the month. Also, only ever spend money you have, forget about using your credit cards for a while.
Try it, and you’ll be amazed at how empowered you feel. Indeed, you CAN take control of your spending today!