Today in Tarot

The Hanged Man

Wants To Tell You...

The Hanged Man Continue

Ahead of you are two roads, and you never know what could lie at the end of each one.

The Hanged Man

Wants To Tell You...

A fork in the road can cause frustration, especially if you were charging forward just before you encountered it. There is beauty in stillness, but most people would prefer to be productive all the time. What’s worse is when both paths ahead of you are deeply uncertain; either could be exceptionally good or exceptionally bad, depending on how you perceive the outcome, which is completely unclear right now.

The Hanged Man hangs from the world’s tree in suspense. However, you’ll notice he is not stressed about the uncertainty, but calm in his position.

Weigh Your Options

It doesn’t matter how long it takes you to make your decision. You are not in any rush, and you are actually advised to take your time to choose your path. There are two ways ahead, and both are equally appealing and nerve-wracking.

Thankfully, the Universe has your back, and whichever path you take will not be an insurmountable challenge. Still, you want to go the easy way and not the hard way–but you genuinely cannot tell which that is right now.

For example, imagine you got two job offers at the exact same time. Both offer the salary you are aiming for, with the position being exactly what you want to do, but you’re conflicted because the company’s cultures are very different. You want to go with your heart, but you’re afraid that steering away from the convenience factor of one of the companies might significantly hurt you. Typically, the best option is to go with your heart.

Whatever is standing ahead of you, let your heart decide what’s best. Your intuition is stronger than you know, and ignoring it will only put you in stickier situations. Take your time, of course, but when you know with your heart what you feel is the right way to go…move forward confidently!

Everyone takes a different amount of time to make a decision, especially one that is deeply impactful to themselves and others. People around you might be a little reluctant to admit that you’re right when you eventually do what you feel is right, but they will come around after a while. Remember, you are doing what’s best for you with the greater good in mind–which path would do the best job at satisfying everybody?

You Can’t Win ‘Em All

That said, there is absolutely no way to please everybody completely. Someone will always have something to say, even if you have done the most contemplation in the world, suspending yourself from a tree like the Hanged Man in complete solitude.

You shouldn’t necessarily strive for external validation but rather, understand that your intuition has the best interpretation of the collective’s wellbeing. As a result, you can accept a bit of criticism and honestly, you should expect it, too. Tough decisions are rarely made overnight, but everyone is always going to have something to say.

Choose Wisely

Ultimately, you can only walk through one of these two doors. Both options ahead of you are going to be “good” or at least not harmful, overall. Understand that you can have the option that is most fulfilling for you while protecting those you care about.

Take your time, but go with your gut. Think about what truly makes your heart soar and run after it (after the Hanged Man stage is through). Once you know everything in you, it will feel so clear. Until then, though, be gracious with yourself and contemplate your two major choices wisely.