The Devil tarot card doesn’t necessarily just represent the big bad guy, though half-goat half-human Baphomet is a bit scary to look at. The card more accurately represents things you’re attached to, especially unhealthy ones that feel all-powerful. Right now, you’re in the middle of a situation that makes you feel chained to something with no way out.
Another lesson the Devil teaches is the art of release, though it is a long and complicated way out. Adam and Eve have taken on horns of their own, complete with other adornments like grapes and fire. It’s a complicated escape (they later experience a Tower moment, with everything crumbling after a lightning strike) but they make it out, nonetheless.
Some people are here with us for a lifetime, while others are meant to be with us only for a brief season. Such is the circle of life; we outgrow certain circumstances, as well as connections, and it’s best to accept when something no longer serves our greatest good.
Still, it’s difficult to let go of things that we have gotten comfortable with. Sometimes, it’s even comfortable sitting with your own pain because it is predictable. Trying to improve your life is a bit scarier because you can’t quite see the road ahead.
However, once you accept the fact that everything is temporary, you can break free of the toughest of chains and knock Baphomet off that pedestal. You put him there in the first place, after all, and he put you in silly little outfits to match his overwhelming spirit. Often, when you look back at these things after you release them, you feel a little silly for letting it have such a hold over you.
There is always something that the Universe plans for you that is better than what you can imagine with your mind’s eye. It gets complicated to release expectations, especially after years spent devoted to a situation. Regardless, the Universe is always right; they can see what humans will never be able to. You should learn to trust them now–if you don’t, they’ll make sure you trust them later.
The cool thing about the progression of the tarot deck after the Devil is that it makes sense. You have to experience some rain to see a rainbow, or a Tower moment in order to get the healing energy of the Star once you release the burdens from the Devil. Even if these cards don’t appear in a reading, life tends to work in similar cycles. It will be severely uncomfortable to release the Devil’s hold over you. Once you do, though, you’ll be a much stronger person as a result.
This bondage could be to anything, really. You could have a job that makes you wake up stressed out every morning. You could be in a stale relationship. Either way, there is something in your life that simply needs to go to make room for something better!
Don’t expect growth to happen overnight. That will only worsen your situation, giving you more anxiety from setting unnecessary expectations. Live each day as they come, always thinking towards the future and staying in the present moment.
You may have to cut someone important out of your life. Do so confidently, but allow yourself to grieve the situation. Cry it out, feel all your emotions, and pave the way for better things to take its place. The Universe would never send you anything you can’t handle.