For this luck reading, you drew the Eight of Wands in reverse.
Nobody’s perfect! This old adage is one of the closest universal truths that we have as people. Mistakes and miscommunication are part of everyday life, try as we may to avoid them. Every now and then, miscommunication becomes unavoidable, unfortunately. Thankfully, most of it is salvageable— and the only thing worse than miscommunication is stagnancy.
In its upright position, the Eight of Wands is a positive omen signifying fast, smooth communication, spontaneity, travel, and even getting shot by Cupid’s Arrows. When reversed, it’s usually the complete opposite. The eight wands are pointing away from you now, like an olive branch flying away instead of being catapulted towards you.
Delays, missed messages, and mixed signals are all common with the reversed Eight of Wands. These brief spells of bad luck are all part of life, but nobody wants to deal with them. We all do everything in our power to avoid these circumstances, but that’s just not possible sometimes.
Don’t fret when the Eight of Wands reversed appears. You’ll be able to get through these moments in no time at all.
Minor Inconveniences Could Escalate
The jetset life is not for the weak. If you’re planning a trip, tread carefully. Delays, mishaps, and other inconveniences are afoot with the Eight of Wands reversed. You may have missed or canceled flights or changed plans that test your ability to go with the flow.
Bad luck is only temporary, but it’s no fun to deal with in the moment. Ideally, our vacations would all look like scenes from our favorite romcoms set in Italy with ABBA as the soundtrack.
If you aren’t traveling, expect to receive messages that are less-than-ideal. They may be snarky, harsh, or otherwise rude half-truths. It’s better to rip off the bandaid now than to find out the truth in a more callous way later on.
Be on the lookout for any suspicious emails or texts. You never know what social situations could arise in this moment, and you should be paying attention to everything that comes your way.
Conversely, you could be in a period of complete stagnancy, which is neither here, nor there. Stagnant periods are frustrating, but proof that the Eight of Wands reversed is not always bad luck.