For this luck reading, you drew the reversed Six of Wands.
Everyone should bask in the glory of their success. We all deserve the roar of the crowds as we ride in on our white horse with a crown on our head like the upright Six of Wands. However, it’s all too easy to sour that mood. There is a fine line between appreciating how far you’ve come and turning into a complete diva!
In the upright position, the Six of Wands symbolizes public recognition after a long, uphill battle towards success. After the conflict of the Five of Wands, the upright Six of Wands reminds us of the importance of our own resilience. The complete opposite is true of the reversed Six of Wands.
Instead of appearing graceful and powerful, the reversed Six of Wands is arrogant and boastful. He is no longer someone to be admired, but someone to be cast away. The white horse he rides on is shameful, not beautiful. He has completely forgotten his humble beginnings and instead chosen to walk around with his chest puffed out.
You may be the cause of your own bad luck. It is time to look inward and begin doing damage control.
Your Pride Could Be Your Downfall
It’s important to be confident and steadfast, of course! We all work hard to be where we want, and it’s tempting to show it off like a shiny new pentacle. Remember, though, you never know who’s watching and you never know how they’re watching you.
You may think you’re being fun and playful while you’re really just bragging about everything with little merit. This can be a complete turn-off, even to people who would have gone to the ends of the earth to support your endeavors.
Be careful that you aren’t causing your own problems and bad luck at this time.
Discuss your achievements with humility. People will, generally, be more receptive to you if they can see that you’ve worked hard for your desires. They are even more receptive to people who are grateful for what they have.
Move gracefully, and more good luck will come your way. If you continue down the path you’re currently on, you may wind up pretty lonely.
Check in with yourself to see how you’re behaving around other people, especially your closest friends and family. Do they feel valued, too? When was the last time you asked?