Your Luck Tarot for Today

Thursday, 20 March 2025

Ace of Wands (Reversed)

Your good luck is on its way, but it might be delayed for a bit before you see it.

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For this luck reading, you drew the reversed Ace of Wands.

Everyone yearns for passion, excitement, and creative energy. These are things that keep us going, things that keep life exciting. Some people live purely for thrill, while others choose a more subdued lifestyle. Either way, everyone is always seeking new creative outlets to keep them going.

Upright, the Ace of Wands is just that. It is the spark of passion that lights up a room or gets a new creative project off the ground. It is the missing energy that people spend years cultivating. The singular wand is held firmly in one hand, standing tall and proud, unwavering despite whatever other circumstances may surround it.

Upright aces represent new beginnings. These are either in the physical realm, like a steamy new relationship or in your mental space, igniting a new project that takes off your career. Reversed, the opposite is true. The upright staff is not strong and confident, but stuck in place.

You probably feel unlucky at this time, wishing your guides would throw you a line to help you out.

Don’t Waste Away Your Talent Out of Fear

You could be the cause of your own bad luck at this time. You are probably too caught up in your headspace, clouding your judgment and blocking any potential opportunities because your anxiety is overpowering any leeway to get to your desires.

This stagnant period will last for a good while if you don’t get out of your own head. It can’t change completely overnight, but you can make great strides in the right direction if you try to be a little more open hearted.

It’s okay to lead with your heart sometimes. In fact, it’s encouraged!

As tempting as it is to always go the rational route, sometimes this can cause us to overthink and create some unlucky circumstances. Instead, stay optimistic, and the passionate new opportunities will find you along the way!

Boring, repetitive periods of life can be a struggle. However, they can be a valuable reset if you reframe your mindset about it. There is so much to learn in the stillness, even if you feel stagnant. Self-discovery is at every corner!

Even if you feel down on your luck, it’s not all bad. Just a brief glitch in the matrix.