For this luck reading, you drew the Ten of Swords in reverse.
In its upright position, the Ten of Swords is nothing but bad news. There is no polite way to word it, either. When the Ten of Swords appears, everything is going to suck for awhile. Breakups, job loss, and tragedy are afoot when this card shows itself in the upright position. Reversed, however, the card can provide a sigh of relief.
The imagery on this card is some of the darkest and saddest in the tarot deck. A man is on his death bed after being stabbed with ten swords. With little context provided or needed for the situation, all we see is his current struggle. We don’t know how he got there or who did this to him, just that he’s face down on the floor with ten swords in his back.
Truthfully, we don’t even need to have too much context to empathize with him. What could he have possibly done to warrant being stuck in this position? Probably not much.
So instead of speculating, we tell him, “oh man, that’s rough— I hope it gets better soon!” Though, how can it get better with all those swords in his back?
Reversed, the Ten of Swords encourages healing. Even if you have to take each sword out of your back by yourself, you can do it. You may even start walking again.
Your luck is only going to increase from this point forward.
It’s About to Get a Whole Lot Better
After the struggles you’ve endured, you deserve this upcoming break. You’ve experienced loss, heartache, and the worst defeat of your life. These struggles are a part of life, but they are unpleasant and uncomfortable to go through no matter how you slice it.
You may receive an unexpected lucky blessing that acts as the final push out of this extraordinarily rough patch. For example, if your Ten of Swords moment was losing your job, you may receive money from a loved one out of the blue that covers your rent next month.
Similarly, you could have a sudden epiphany that gives you the strength to heal from your hardships. It won’t be easy, but this push will encourage you to get back up and out there again after laying with swords in your back for so long.