Your Luck Tarot for Today

Thursday, 20 March 2025

Eight of Swords (Reversed)

You are so close to making a great escape, you can almost taste it!

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For this luck reading, you drew the reversed Eight of Swords.

Normally, nobody would want to pick the upright Eight of Swords. It’s one of the darkest cards in the deck, and it’s one of those cards that looks as scary as its interpretation. The character on the card is literally trapped, and you can’t help but feel bad for them.

But what you don’t realize when it’s upright is the trapped feeling of the Eight of Swords is completely escapable. You can make it out of that situation unscathed if you play your cards right. Being caught up in the moment, that’s difficult to see.

Thankfully, this will be far less painful than you’re probably anticipating. Your luck is only increasing from here, after an incredibly difficult time. Whether your situation was present in your physical reality or it was mental turmoil, you’re at the tail end of it.

Your circumstances are going to transform completely very soon, but you need to sustain hope a bit longer. At its worst, the Eight of Swords reversed can indicate caving into severe social pressures. Thankfully, you can avoid this outcome by sticking to your guns.

Free Yourself So No One Else Has to

We all grew up hearing the story of Rapunzel and her long, gorgeous hair. She was rescued from her tower by a handsome prince, liberated from her prison and allowed to be free for the first time in her life. Unfortunately, real life doesn’t work quite like the fairytales. We must free ourselves from any entrapments because we’d be waiting a long time for a prince to come save us.

It is time that you change your luck for the better by standing up to your oppressors. Any bullies can and will be defeated, you simply have to stand up for yourself. Of course, do so with caution and avoid escalating any situations unnecessarily.

In extreme cases, the Eight of Swords reversed can be very lucky, indicating release from actual prison. Legal issues will get resolved, and justice will be served.

More commonly, though, the Eight of Swords reversed is an end to bullying and unfair mistreatment. We tend to falsely believe that bullying only exists with school children. Unfortunately, adults subject themselves to bullying from their peers, too.

Luckily, justice does prevail, and bullies are rightfully stopped.