For this luck reading, you drew the Ten of Pentacles.
Congratulations are in order! You are about to stumble upon a major victory, and it may catch you out of nowhere. Something you’ve been working towards will come to you, but it may appear in a slightly different physical form than what you anticipated.
The tens in tarot are all about completion. Like The World of the Major Arcana, they represent cycles closing out. The tens in the Minor Arcana all also deal with closing cycles, but each suit will materialize in a different way, correlating with the themes of the suit.
The Ten of Pentacles upright mainly brings good fortune with money. You might have a surprise deposit in your bank account from the most unlikely source. Or, you might land a new job effortlessly after a months-long search.
Either way, fortune is on your side when the upright Ten of Pentacles appears. Expect nothing but good luck and high vibrational energy during the coming weeks.
Sometimes, the upright Ten of Pentacles foreshadows inheritance. The unexpected deposit to your bank account might be something you receive from a loved one. Regardless, it will come to you exactly when you need it, benefiting your life in multiple ways.
You’re Being Handed a Major Blessing
Your spirit guides are working together to send a huge blessing with expedited shipping. After working tirelessly towards a goal, you are about to receive it. Be sure to practice gratitude when this blessing falls into your lap.
The Ten of Pentacles is not just a card of financial abundance and security. If you see this card, your family likely means the world to you. You would move mountains to ensure that they are okay.
Thankfully, you won’t need to do that. The material wealth you receive with the Ten of Pentacles is enough to share with those you care about. Generously give to those you love and watch it come back to you tenfold.
Bask in the glow of your newfound success knowing that there is more to come on its way. This is simply the beginnings of a solid, sturdy foundation that is meant to last for generations to follow. Your legacy is golden, and it all starts now with this stroke of good luck.
Just remember to say “thank you” a few times along your journey.