For this luck reading, you drew the Three of Cups.
It’s time to party! Get your closest friends together and get ready to celebrate. You are about to deservedly get your party on. Your latest achievement is worth celebrating, and you should move forward with ease.
This is a lucky period for you, so don’t forget to pat yourself on the back for everything you’ve achieved. Good news and good vibes are certain when the Three of Cups appears to you.
The card features three friends dancing together in a circle with cups in their hands. The wine is crisp and delicious, and the energy is immaculate. Overall, the card encourages groups of people to come together in celebration of a common goal.
Whether rooted in the physical realm or emotional world, this goal is important to a larger collective. The Three of Cups upright fosters creativity, collaborations, and friendship. People can achieve great things as individuals, but even greater things as a whole unit.
Threes in tarot are all about togetherness. Any good luck that may find you in this moment is better shared with a group of loved ones.
Go Out and Dance the Night Away
Keeping an open heart and mind is, generally, a good way to live. This is especially true during high, happy periods of your life where you are looking to celebrate a big win.
During this time, you may get promoted or find a higher paying job. This transition will encourage you to splurge a bit on drinks with your friends. Don’t hesitate to do so, as money you spend right now is likely to come back to you with ease.
You may find yourself in other lucky situations, like a chance encounter at someone else’s party. Sometimes, the universe puts us in the right place at the right time, and encourages us to get out of our comfort zone. A new romance could spark, or you could meet your new best friend.
Lucky social gatherings are the major theme with the upright Three of Cups. You could attend a festival, concert, or club that places you in a brand new social scene. Don’t be shy, either. Your energy is extremely attractive at this time.
Coast on the potential of your current magnetic pull, but don’t forget to nurture core connections at this time. You can party till dawn, but remember to show gratitude when the sun comes up.