Monday, 17 June 2024

Stay strong and guard your heart and mind against negativity. Protect yourself from the devil's influence.

The heart is the center of the human body, whether it's the physical heart that pumps blood or the mind that controls actions and behaviors. The heart is so important because it determines a person's state of life.

The devil is aware of the important role the heart plays in a person's life. That's why he always launches his attacks from there. He brings thoughts that promote problems and degrade My promises for you. You need to know that the state of your heart determines whether you will win or lose at every point in your life.

When you allow bad thoughts to gain ground in your heart, you have given the devil a chance to defeat you. You can only be truly victorious when you conquer the devil in your mind.

The Mind Is The Real Battlefield

The root of every action, belief, behavior, or any other thing is the heart. This is where the devil targets when he wants you to do the wrong thing. He begins to introduce negative thoughts gradually. Once you give him a chance, he takes over.

You start panicking about your situation because of the thought of fear that you have allowed in your mind. You begin to have second thoughts about something because of a wrong idea the devil drops in your heart.

Whether it's worry, fear, or doubt, it all starts from thoughts you allowed into your heart. All these are ways the devil steals your joy and robs you of everything I have promised you.

You may not have paid attention to this important aspect of your life. This may be why the devil has succeeded in robbing you of many things.

You should know that your mind is a point of warfare between good and evil. Whichever wins will determine the quality of your life. The devil fights you with thoughts that will send your heart far away from Me.

Keep your heart on My word. Never allow the evil thoughts from the devil to get a hold of your mind.

Protect Your Heart

As you have seen, your heart is important to your growth and victory in life. You need to do everything possible to always protect your heart. Guard your heart from every attack of the devil. If your heart is unhealthy, it will affect every other area of your life.

Pay attention to what you think about. You can trace the root cause of your emotional problems to what you think about. To have complete freedom and enjoy utmost joy, shield your heart from negative thoughts.

The ideas will definitely fly around. The devil will try all he can to get you to start thinking about things that will hurt you. It is your duty to stop him. Be on the watch for any thought that contradicts My word. Do not let them in at all. Always lock your heart against thoughts that will promote fear, doubt, or discouragement.

The things you listen to and read are often what the devil uses to introduce negative thoughts to you. Instead of feeding on the bad news of wars, suicides, and crimes, study My word.

Fill your heart with promises that will come in handy whenever the devil throws his negative thoughts your way. There is a word to counter everything the devil throws at you. Just keep studying to equip yourself with more weapons to fight off the enemy.

Today, focus on meditating on positive things and never lose guard on what you think about. Be conscious of what you think about. Make sure they add value to you and edify you.

Reflect on these words today

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

— Proverbs 4:23

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.

— Philippians 4:8