Monday, 01 July 2024

Resting in My presence is the true self-care you need to relieve your exhaustion and reset your energy.

I know you get exhausted a lot of times. But indulging yourself in shopping, binge-watching your favorite show, or a nice warm bubble bath will never be sufficient to ease your exhaustion. I want you to drop everything and just be at rest with Me.

Resting in My presence is the true self-care you need. You can drop off your anxious thoughts, burdens, pain, and weakness into My feet. You shall receive peace and comfort allowing you to be still after a long day, week, or month.

Leave Your Shopping Cart

For some of you, self-care is about making time for a bubble bath, getting your hair done, outdoor recreation, or shopping at your favorite store whether online or at a physical shop. Although these things sound good in theory, they don’t always bring peace of mind.

When life gets difficult and stressful, you allow yourself to be distracted by technology, consumerism, or indulge yourself in stress-eating. These things may ward off the stress and challenges you may be facing, but they will never help you to get out of that situation. That is why I long to possess your attention and gain access to your heart.

Leave your shopping cart behind and I invite you to take a walk with Me. Talk to Me and connect with Me. Be reminded that you are not made to fill your life with stuff, but you are made to fill it with My presence.

Finding True Rest

You live in a busy society and stress can sneak up under you without knowing it. You do not realize how stressed out you really are until you experience a burnout. Your initial response to burnout is a self-focused type of self care that detaches to the world and consuming yourself with what you want and not what you need. You chase after all things shining thinking you deserve all of it so you go on shopping. When you think of rest, you think of a vacation far from home. These are not bad things, but these does not give you true rest that your body, mind and soul needs. You don’t want to end up feeling more tired.

My beloved, I want to offer you rest that will refuel your soul down to your body. The human soul is a troubled thing. Your soul longs to be at rest from the stress and pressures of life, but you will never find it until you come to My presence.

All you need to do is to direct your mind to the hope that comes from Me. Take your focus away from your shopping cart, your TV, smart phones and anything that steals your time attention to Me. Be intentional in meeting Me at a quiet place. Write down your everyday challenges that weighs you down. Pray to the Holy Spirit, then read My word. Seek for answers, help and comfort. Hear My voice as I speak to you.

Do this as often as you can. Allow your body, mind and soul to experience true self care and experience the joy and peace that comes with it.

Reflect on these words today

So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God, for whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from his. Let us, therefore, strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience.

— Hebrews 4:9-11

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

— Mark 1:35