Your Angel Oracle for Today

Sunday, 08 September 2024

Remember Who You Are

It is time to align your life to fit your true calling better and inspire others to do the same!

You were sent to Earth by God to do amazing things for yourself and future generations. While living, people rarely recognize their impact on those around them. They live each day modestly, assuming that their interactions hold little weight to the other people involved. It’s excellent to remain humble as you succeed, but you must also hold your head high because your presence profoundly impacts the world around you.

Your work is special; you are meant to be a leader, guiding people to their true calling by righteously following your own. However, it is essential to remember that you are still human. You cannot always be at your highest bandwidth and may have “off days” occasionally.

Don’t beat yourself up for having normal reactions to your circumstances. Experiencing a wide range of emotions is critical to the human experience.

Feeling everything that comes your way freely, without restraint, allows you to establish better emotional regulation skills, tapping into your intuition with more strength so you can better understand the direction your Angel guides are trying to take you.

You can make mistakes on your journey if you take the time to learn from them.

People are often pressured to be perfect, living sin-free forever. Unfortunately, that is the only unrealistic goal you could set. Messing up sometimes is healthy because you can learn lessons that cannot be taught in a school classroom.

The goal is, however, to grow from your mistakes. Repeatedly messing up the same core lesson will get you farther from your goal.

If you feel misaligned from your highest self, it could be that your Angel guides have been pounding on your door for some time, and you aren’t listening. Archangel Michael can help realign you to your purpose, especially if you feel like it’s been a while since you have been discombobulated.

Accept your spiritual gifts as a key aspect of who you are.

You are extraordinarily gifted, which has likely shown within you since you were a baby. Expectations that are formed as we grow into adults make it easy to lose sight of these gifts.

Like riding a bike, you can always simply hop back on the ride, reengaging with your natural gifts effortlessly. These can never be taken from you; in fact, there is a whole team up in Heaven hoping that you get back on the horse (or bike) any minute now.