Your Angel Oracle for Today

Monday, 18 November 2024


Taking risks can lead to major breakthroughs at this time–don’t block your financial blessings by playing it too safe!

In general, we are driven by passion; this light within us can take many forms, bringing with it bursts of creativity and big ideas. However, society often encourages us to put the light out before it can burn to its brightest potential.

You don’t have to succumb to societal standards, though. Quite the contrary: you should follow your heart’s desires because they have found you for good reasons.

While your next steps may be unclear, your intuition is on point. You have the potential to turn small hunches from the Angels into wine, cultivating your next project with a Midas touch.

Dream big right now because dreaming small might actually be a bigger risk. Think of every influential person who has ever lived. They did not get where they are today, or where they were at their peak, by downplaying their skills or ideas. Instead, they pushed past anything naysayers attempted to convince them.

You may be your own worst enemy, too! Sometimes, we’re given the blessing of a phenomenal, life-altering idea but it’s so grand that we’re scared of it and self-sabotage. Get out of your own way–you’re so close to greatness you could almost touch it!

Happiness can be found by breaking free from your self-imposed comfort zone.

Everyone lives in their own little safety bubbles, a natural-born safety mechanism that dates back to our primal instincts. These bubbles can do more harm than good, unfortunately. They keep us stagnant instead of pushing forward, where we should be facing.

It takes time to burst our comfort bubbles but it is so worth it when you get to that point. You can start slowly, doing little things that would have previously scared the living daylights out of you, working your way up to bigger risks as you gain confidence.

“Some were born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.”

Archangel Haniel is here to help you uncover your hidden talents. All of us have secret, unearthed skills that we are told to keep quiet for various reasons. Yours are meant to impact people on the world’s stage, influencing others with your work, so it’s crucial that you are pushed to pursue your passions right now.

It is never too late to follow your dreams, despite what society may tell us. You have all the tools you need to achieve your goals and Archangel Haniel can assist you if you are missing anything.