Your Angel Oracle for Today

Monday, 18 November 2024


You are hearing the truth right now from yourself, the Divine, and other people.

Some people have stronger spiritual gifts in certain areas than others. Some are clairaudient, some are claircognizant, some are clairsentient, and some are clairvoyant.

Since people are very fluid and everchanging creatures, you can even find people who have multiple or interchanging spiritual gifts. They are heightened at different periods of life depending on what you need at the time.

Right now, Archangel Zadkiel is sending you audible messages, emphasizing your gift of clairaudience. He is giving you thoughts, words from other people, and messages from the Divine to guide you along your path. Don’t disregard anything you hear at this time, because it could be extremely important!

People are more communicative with the Divine than they might care to believe. The Divine is always talking, but it takes a special kind of person to hear them.

If you’ve been praying for an answer, it’s coming to you, but maybe not in the form that you expected to see it. The best blessings hardly ever arrive in the exact package that we expect them to. Our guides will send us something much better than what we could have dreamed up ourselves!

The guidance you’re receiving from the Angels was sent with love and care.

Usually, Divine messages are clear and to the point. However, the Angels do speak a different language than we do. It may take some time for you to get used to their communication style. All it takes is patience on your part, and you can always ask for some clarity if you’re confused by any messaging.

After some time communicating with him, you’ll start to learn exactly what Archangel Zadkiel is trying to say to you. Remember, he only wants what’s best for you.

Listen closely to those around you because Archangel Zadkiel might be communicating through them.

Your friends, family, and even strangers might be passing along messages from Archangel Zadkiel to you at this time. There is something really important that is trying to be said to you, and he will take any steps necessary to make sure that it goes through.

Keep both ears peeled for any unusual conversations. This Divine message may come from someone completely unexpected–such as someone you just met! They would have no bias since you just met, so it’s best to pay attention to what they have to say.