Your Message from Archangel Uriel

Saturday, 08 February 2025

Giving & Receiving

You’ll learn about the importance of giving and receiving once you’re fully prepared for your spiritual journey.

It’s like breathing. You can’t inhale, if you haven’t exhaled first. Life is all about the rhythmic cycle of phases. And there’s no need to speed up the process.

This is what you’ll encounter as a lesson that can’t be learned in schools (although, it should be). That’s why you need your Guardian Angels to help you reach the path that was meant for you and nobody else.

Think of the things you need to let go in order to gain what you desire. There’s probably something that you keep clinging on to, even though you’re aware of the fact that it’s part of your history, a long time ago.

This card is telling you that you’re the one who can unblock the passage that will lead you to the fulfillment of your biggest dreams. Only if you learn how to dance with the rhythm of giving and receiving.

Luckily, you’re not too late to change the way you act and react to things that are happening to you. You just need some help from your Guardian Angels, as they are the ones that can guide you through the day, giving you signs of Dos and Don’ts. Try searching for them. Furthermore, you can pray to Archangel Uriel:

Archangel Uriel, hear my prayers. I am willing to learn the lesson of giving and receiving. Please help me understand that I need to let go of my worries so my happier days could illuminate my soul.

Repeat this twice a day, after you wake up, and before you go to bed. Notice your life getting better.